August 27, 2019
This post has been a long time coming. I’ve always wanted to share my passion for nutrition through my photography business. But most of you are probably wondering why…
These days there are SO many contradicting diets, articles, and websites. The health industry has made maintain a healthy lifestyle VERY confusing.
Over the years, I’ve been asked so many times to share how to eat healthy and now I’m finally writing it down! I’d like to share with everyone why eating healthy isn’t complicated and how living a balanced lifestyle has changed my life. My heart behind this blog post is also for my brides. The list below may look like common sense but with so much mixed information out there, I want to spread the word of how this lifestyle changed my life forever. I’m hardly EVER sick, feel swollen, or lack energy.
The truth is that diets, Keto, Beach Body, Vegan Grain-Free, portion control, counting calories, shakes *insert every other health fad here* may work for a season but aren’t the answer. I believe that our bodies were made to eat a well-balanced diet of only God-given foods.
I remember growing up and always feeling tired, in a brain fog and drained of energy emotionally and physically. I always used to compare myself to my peers. They appeared to be eating worse than me and they looked happy but the truth is that everyone is different and you never know how someone is really feeling inside. I’ve also learned that a lot of people don’t even know how amazing they COULD feel by eating more real, whole foods.
After being fed up with feeling unhealthy, I started studying nutrition the year that Michael and I were engaged and planning our wedding. My overall goal was to feel my best for our special day.
So when you’re “sweating for the wedding” remember your goal should always nourish and love your body so that you feel happy and healthy on the inside and out for years to come.
My favorite resources to follow:
Hugs xoxo,